Offensive against jihadists: Kurds are pushing back IS-fighters

IS fighters
Successes in the fight against IS: Kurdish fighters have managed to retake the city Sumar in northern Iraq, government forces also report mor success - supported by air strikes by US-led military alliance.

Kobane - Kurdish fighters have liberated on Saturday, a city in northern Iraq from the power of Dschihadistengruppe Islamic State (IS). Had succeeded support by attacking the US Air Force to expel the extremists from the center of Sumar and eleven surrounding villages, said Peshmerga General Karim Atuti. Sumar is located approximately 60 kilometers northwest of the occupied by the IS in June metropolis of Mosul.

Also from the central Iraq government reported successes in the fight against IS. On Saturday, Iraqi security forces had pushed back the IS from the city Dschurf al-Sakhar near Baghdad.

The Kurdish fighters had occupied Sumar after the withdrawal of the Iraqi army at the beginning of the IS offensive. After another area recovering the jihadists, the peshmerga had in August but first in the autonomous Kurdish region in northern Iraq to withdraw. Since then the Kurdish fighters gained ground slowly.

The United States and several allied countries flew on Friday and Saturday after US data 22 air strikes on positions of the IS in Iraq. It had been attacked targets near the main dam of Mosul, the city of Fallujah and the city of Baiji. In Baiji is the largest oil refinery in the country. It had been used bomber, fighter jets and drones. US aircraft had also destroyed an artillery gun extremists near the northern Syrian Kurdish city Kobane.

To support the Kurds in the neighboring country, the peshmerga want to bring up to 200 fighters to Kobane. Open until now is, when the announced Peshmerga fighters get to Kobane. You will get there through Turkish territory. The necessary permission has already been granted the Turkish leadership in Ankara.

Also, about 1,300 fighters of the rebel group Free Syrian Army (FSA) want to join the Kurds in Kobane. On Friday, the opposition FSA fighters from the province of Aleppo gave the decision to the posting of known units - which include moderate Islamist groups.

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